Stopacramp Straps are available now! Easy to use easy to order. Your go to for leg, foot and toe cramps.



The Stopacramp Strap can eliminate your leg, foot and toe cramps! 


  Full money back guarantee!!!! If you’re not totally satisfied we will refund all of your money including the cost to ship it back to us.

Stop a cramp Straps treat the major reason for leg cramps, nerve signals from your toes.

Foot Cramp
Leg Cramp
Hamstring Cramps

Foot cramp

The Stopacramp strap is simple and lasts for years and you can stop wasting money month after month in a search for an elusive cure  for your leg cramps.

The Stopacramp strap for leg cramps is the safest way for pregnant women to get positive relief from painful leg cramps without risking you or your baby

Watch your toes the next time a cramp occurs, most often the second or third toe will vibrate or move out of line with the other two toes as a cramp starts. Do you grab their toes or push them against whatever is handy? Stretching may stop your cramp, maybe. Stopacramp keeps your toes in line which will prevents the cramp trigger before leg cramp trauma can start anytime night or day. The next time you get a leg cramp in the middle of the night try this. Press the foot of the leg that is cramping flat on the floor. With your other foot or palm of your hand press down on the big, second and third toe of the foot that has the leg cramp. To your amazement you will find the cramp will stop right then and there. By doing this you stop the signal to trigger a leg cramp! This is how the Stopacramp strap works and why the Stopacramp Strap will work for you!

Comments & Suggestions

Terms used by our customers


 “Cramp free”

“It’ll be the best thing you buy yourself this whole year”

 “This amazing strap has made all the difference”

“Thanks Jim you are a life saver”

“No more leg cramps anymore”

“This works for me luckily”

“The only thing that stops my cramps is the Stopacramp Strap”

“What a total relief”

“This is weird it works, I don’t know how it just works”

“This totally worked for me”

“Much better than guzzling pickle juice”

“I’m so thankful for these straps”

“I haven’t had one single cramp since using the Stopacramp Straps”

“Stopacramp bands and I get to sleep again”

“My new best friend (Stopacramp Straps)”

“Thank you Jim for the wonderful cure for my leg cramp”

“If you wear them you do not even get a cramp”

“I am finally getting rest”

“Magnesium does absolutely nothing for my cramps”


    • Vivienne Cole

      January 28, 2022, 7:55 am

      I have been using stopacramp straps for about 2 years now. Prior to back surgery which successfully fixed my leg cramp issues they were the only things that stopped the most painful regular calf cramps that I got every night as well as the occasional hamstring cramps. My cramp problems are now only in my toes and ankles so I still wear the straps every night to stop these cramps happening and they help substantially there as well..

    • Murray Demers

      January 28, 2022, 10:56 pm

      Don’t waste anymore money like I have.

      Massage. Acupuncture. Dieticians. Prescription medication. Ankle and leg bandages. The list goes on and on!

      I got leg cramps at least twice a week for years. Feels like a red hot poker iron being stuck into my leg. Limping around for 2-3 days afterwards is no picnic either.

      Since I found these straps I have slept without incident for the last 4 months. I didn’t think that was possible anymore.

      Thank you for designing these straps. Wish I would have found them years ago. I feel like I am living and enjoying life again.

    • Yvonne Ward

      February 8, 2022, 2:28 am

      I have been using StopaCramp for a little over a year. They have brought me so much relief. My cramps were a nightly disturbance of a good night’s sleep. Now I only have a foot cramp maybe twice a month without using all the potions I was using before. Jim Watts was a pleasure to work with.

    • Rena Shields

      July 26, 2022, 7:13 pm

      I have been dealing with releasing cramps with clients during movement sessions and this strap supports what I do to prevent the cramp from escalating
      Rena Shields
      Studio ECM